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Massage therapy and its effects on the body

Massage Therapy

Massage is defined as a function of pressing and rubbing the soft parts of the body (skin, subcutaneous cellular tissue, muscles, lymphatic vessels, nerves and internal organs), with the aim of obtaining physiological and therapeutic effects. Here are the benefits of massage therapy and how you can do it.

What are the Massage Procedures?

Manual massage procedures are divided into two large groups: main or fundamental maneuvers, which are performed on almost all segments of the body, which are smoothing, friction, kneading, blows and vibrations. And for help, the secondary maneuvers, such as sifting and rolling, pressures, tensions and tractions and maneuvers derived from them and which potentiate or complement the effects of the first ones.

Massage therapy or segmental (reflexogenic) massage includes maneuvers according to a technique similar to those mentioned above, in order to obtain reflex effects. The segmental massage is applied either on some skin areas or on some “maximum” points. Although the massage can be done simply, you can also use different equipment.

What are the Benefits of Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy is one of the best tools used in Chinese medicine. The tension can be balanced just by pressing and massaging certain areas of the body. One of these methods is put into practice through reflexology. In short, the idea is that you can achieve positive results in terms of the health of your whole body, just by pressing certain parts of the body, often the hands and feet.

Massaging different parts of the feet are closely related to the health of some internal organs. Not only that, massage therapy can lead to a more relaxed life, less stress and a higher sex drive.

Massaging the feet also helps improve blood circulation, relieves many ailments, helps maintain balance, has been shown to be very beneficial for restless legs syndrome, anxiety, improves sleep and is extremely good for the skin.

Massaging the big toe has great benefits for the lungs and brain. Also, massaging the second, third and fourth fingers relieves toothache, if you have dental problems and helps vision. The little toe is an important massage point when you have an earache. The following image is an excellent guide for ideal results.

Contradictions of these massages are similar to those of general massage. Thus, avoid applying this form of massage in infectious, acute inflammatory, febrile conditions, in tumors as well as in those diseases of the internal organs in which there are no changes in the reflexes at the level of the corresponding skin segment.

To simplify things, you can use the INNOFIT foot massager, which is one of the most bought at the moment. This machine offers two types of massage: mechanical massage (with the help of balls) and vibration massage, which are excellent for what you need. It’s very simple, when you come home from work you rest for half an hour with the help of the massage, having the advantage that you don’t have to make any effort at all. Check the price here.

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