Lime Juice And Weight Loss

Although lime juice is not as common a drink as orange juice, it can be a healthy choice as it provides a number of vitamins to the body and is a rich source of complex (good) carbohydrates. Lime juice helps in weight loss because it possesses several nutritional characteristics that have a positive impact on diets, being a good detoxifier and making a massive impact on the digestive system.

What does lime juice contain?

Although it is not such a common drink, it is still extremely important for the body, having countless nutrients in its composition. That being said, here’s what’s in this juice and why you should be drinking it more often from now on.


Due to the fact that lime juice is low in calories, it can help you lose weight. A cup of juice provides 60 calories, which is only 3% of the recommended daily intake. The number of calories is extremely low, they can be burned quickly, in 7 minutes of swimming you can burn 60 calories.


Juice is a low-fiber drink, one cup of juice (approx. 240 ml) contains only 1 gram of fiber. Fiber helps ensure healthy digestion, can greatly aid weight loss by increasing the feeling of fullness and reducing appetite, nutritionists claim.

I also support the fact that green lemons that are not transformed into juice and are eaten, a greater number of fibers reach the body. Lime can be eaten more easily in fruit salad.

what does lime juice contain


As mentioned above, lime juice is high in carbohydrates, with one cup containing 20 grams. Of these carbohydrates, only 4 grams come from sugar. Your body uses carbohydrates as its primary source of energy, but a lower-carb diet is more effective if you want to lose weight, so you can opt for low-carb foods.

Consuming small portions of this juice can be acceptable if you are on a low carb diet, 1/4 of a cup can provide 5 grams of carbohydrates. So, you can use these measurements to give a fresh flavor to dressings, thus giving up those bought in the supermarket.


Lime juice contains no dietary fat. This nutrient is dense in terms of calorie content, having 9 calories in each gram. It also provides the feeling of satiety, so calories are effective in slimming. Their benefits can be significant, low-fat diets have been found to be inferior to low-carbohydrate diets.

Vitamin C

An important aspect that juice offers in terms of weight loss is the high content of vitamin C. One cup of juice contains 75 mg of this nutrient. Vitamin C, accelerates metabolism, also helps to reduce pounds and excess fat.

It is therefore full of nutrients that take care of your body, helping you live a healthy life. It is ideal for slimming belts but also for those who simply want more health in their lives. You have no reason not to consume it!

What you don’t know about lemon

Fragrant and rich in Vitamin C, lemon is the main treatment in preventing colds and acute flu. This fruit saves us from many health problems, lemon juice even relieves the side effects caused by chemotherapy. Lemon cleanses the blood of toxins and is a good insecticide as it repels flies and mosquitoes. Some nutritionists recommend fruit juice sweetened with honey for a healthy diet with reliable results and serious fat loss. A glass of fresh lemonade consumed at least once a day improves the heart rate and helps the stomach to function properly.

The high content of vitamins B1, B6, B2, iron, potassium of the lemon makes the exotic fruit also an extraordinary stimulant of shine and vitality for the hair, as well as an effective “toothpaste” that perfectly cleans the teeth, thus removing bad breath.

If we mix lemon juice with honey, we will also get a face mask against excessive sebum, which makes the skin look like a surface soaked in oil, most of the time. The pulp of the fruit applied under the eyes and on the neck has anti-wrinkle properties.

Lemon is a fruit that gives tonicity to the body, through its antibacterial and antiseptic capabilities and removes fatigue. Do you have anxiety states, can’t sleep at night because of repeated insomnia? The solution is easy. In lemon we find the remedy.